I have a grid with two Ultradropdowns. Is there any way to distinguish between the two dropdowns? I'm wanting to be able to detect when they select something from either dropdown, and call my function/subs accordingly. I'm using VB.NET.
Do you have these two different dropdowns in the same column of a grid, but different on a row-by-row basis? If they're on different columns, I imagine you'd know which is where, but regardless you can look at the EditorControl of a Column/Cell, or even the EditorResolved of the cell to see if it's the same as what you're looking for.
As it stands, I have them in two separate columns. I'm currently trying to use the AfterCellListCloseUp, but that still leaves me not knowing which Cell/Column was selected. Is there any way to select the Title of the column or something to that effect?
I ended up using the AfterCellListCloseUp and then using e.Cell.Column.Key to find out which dropdown was being used, then handle it accordingly. I believe that got it resolved. Thanks everyone.
You might find the before or afterexiteditmode events useful. If using before you will need to look at activecell.text or activecell.editorresolved.value
for the selected item.
I would use grid.ActiveCell in this event, from which you can get the column.