I am using web excel exporter version 13.2 . But when I deployed my code to server it is not working for internet explorer.
Please help it asap.
Thank you for contacting us.
Could you please explain me in details, what do you mean by saying "is not working", is this mean that some error is thrown, or the export is not performed? Also, is this issue persist only under IE, and more exactly on which version of IE?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
HI Zdracko,
Export is not getting performed in IE version 8.
It is working fine on local machine but not working on server.
Thanks and waiting for your reply eagerly.
Hi Zdravko,
I am not able to export data in IE version 8 only . It is doing great in all other version of IE and other browsers.This is reason i am not getting issue with my code. I am working on it. I will give you my complete solution asap.
Okay, looking forward to hearing from you.
this.excelExporter.DownloadName = "Dashboard Report " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM dd yyyy") + ".xls"; this.excelExporter.WorkbookFormat = Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003; Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Workbook wb = new Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Workbook(); wb.Worksheets.Add(Constants.WSDashboardReport); Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[Constants.WSDashboardReport]; BindExportData(); // binds data to gvProofView from database without paging
updDashboardSearchFilter.Update(); CdtDashboardReportInput objCdtDashboardRptInput = null; objCdtDashboardRptInput = new CdtDashboardReportInput(); objCdtDashboardRptInput = (CdtDashboardReportInput)Session[Constants.SNDashboardRpt]; this.excelExporter.Export(gvProofView, ws, 6, 1);
below is response headerCache-Control:"no-cache, no-store"Content-Type:"application/ms-excel"Expires:"-1"Pragma:"no-cache"Is Cache-Control and Pragma creating issues for IE 8?
Hello Tarun,
Thank you for the code snippet.
I have created a sample in order to represent the issue that you've described above, although I couldn't. I tried my code implementation to be similar to yours. Have a look at the sample and please make the necessary changes in order to invoke the issue on your environment and after that send it back to me. I am also attaching you the exported file.
Code snippet:
I'm just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this issue. If so please let me know.
I have created a private case for you with number CAS-133614-S6G5X5. If you can't send it here, please go to your Infragistics Account select tab Support Activity and find the case that I've mentioned. You can send me there anything you want, and it will be visible only for us.
So you have deployed the sample that I've provided to you with my previous reply, and the same error appear again?
Could you please give me the link after you deploy the web site, in order to check it from my machine. When the error appear it will be easy for me to investigate it under my environment.
I did the same exact code. Deployed it on the server. But still IE 8 gives me same error.
Internet Explorer was not able to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again
I also searched google and found that the problem is with response headers but I am not sure how to fix this.