I am using the infragistic version 11.1.20111.1006 and I am trying to export the WebHierarchicalDataGrid with CSS in Excell . When I export the data the Excell storing the digits in text format . So I want to show them in number format for perticiler column . A code sample is as below ,
ByRef theWorkSheet As Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet,
theWorkSheet.Rows(iRow).Cells(iCell).Value = cellText .
The cell text may be in the form numbers as text format or Letters . If number comes I have to show in 00.00 format in numeric format so that I can add them at the last row .
Please help me to resolve this problem
It sounds like you want to parse the cell value into a number if possible and display it with a "00.00" format. If it cannot be parsed as a number, you want it to display as text. If so, try doing something like this:
Dim cell = theWorkSheet.Rows(iRow).Cells(iCell)Dim doubleValue As DoubleIf Double.TryParse(cellText, doubleValue) Then cell.Value = doubleValue cell.CellFormat.FormatString = "00.00"Else cell.Value = cellTextEnd If
Hi Mike
Thanks for giving me a solution for this issue . This work correctly as I expected .