I'm having a problem with charts' image quality. The problem is after the web page is rendered online, we use a third party tool to convert it to PDF from that web page (you can run a demo here: http://www.winnovative-software.com/Getting%20Started%20with%20Winnovative%20HTML%20to%20PDF%20Converter%20Demo.aspx ).
The text converts great, but the Infragistics charts have very poor image quality and, when zoomed in over 200% in PDF, become smudgy and virtually illegible (especially the text on the axis and legends). I've tied rendering charts in .JPG and .PNG, but the quality is still unacceptable.
I'd like to know if there is a way to render high resolution image from chart and how to do via HTML or back-end code (C#). Please provide an example if you know the answer. Thanks a lot!
Hi Aleksandr Mazo,
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.