I have an ultrawebgrid(have to use ultrawebgrid for now) with 7 rows and 6 columns. 4 of the columns are editable numeric values. The table is built dynamically on demand(not on postback). I need a button column, preferrably the first column, so that I can click it and re-format just that row, like graying it out & disabling editing for that row. I've tried creating a button column but am having no luck. Could someone please provide an example. The button method call needs to be done server-side in the call behind, not client-side. Thanks so much!
Hello dbishop9,
You should use "FindControl" method in "InitializeRow" event to access the embedded control and then set its "Visible" property to "false". By checking for the row index you can control which buttons should be hidden.
Example of "FindControl" usage can be found here - http://community.infragistics.com/forums/t/27385.aspx
That's perfect! Thanks! Now if I want to set the button in one of those rows to not visible, how do I access the button to set it? Thanks again
In the following link an example of how to embed a button in the grid and use it at Server-Side is shown - http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2011.1/CLR4.0/html/WebGrid_Using_ItemCommand_Event_to_Access_Cell_Item.html
Follow this guide and let me know if you have additional questions.
Note that this forum is about “WebDataGrid” control and in future you should post your questions about classic grid in the following thread - http://community.infragistics.com/forums/61.aspx
Thank you.