I'm using the following code but my labels are not wrapping. I tried typing what I found in this forum into the vb.net area but it didn't accept "wraptext" as an option to add to the collection. What am I doing wrong?
<Labels Font="Verdana, 7pt" HorizontalAlign="Near" ItemFormatString="none" Orientation="VerticalLeftFacing" VerticalAlign="Center" Visible="False"> <SeriesLabels Font="Verdana, 12pt, style=Bold" HorizontalAlign="Center" Orientation="Custom" VerticalAlign="Center" OrientationAngle="45"> <Layout Behavior="UseCollection"> <BehaviorCollection> <igchartprop:WrapTextAxisLabelLayoutBehavior UseOnlyToPreventCollisions="False" EnableRollback="False" /> <igchartprop:StaggerAxisLabelLayoutBehavior /> </BehaviorCollection> </Layout> </SeriesLabels> </Labels>
Hello Bill,
Let me know if you need further information about this question.
The fix will be most probably merged and included in the next Service Release.
You can check the projected dates for the upcoming Service Releases in the link provided in my previous response.
Thank you.
Thanks Alex. I'm assuming the fix wasn't in the Sept. 12th release.
The described by you behavior is reported and our R&D team has fixed it with some of the latest builds. The fix will be probably included in the next Service Release. You can monitor the dates when service releases will be available at the following page - http://es.infragistics.com/support/service-releases.aspx#ServiceReleases
In the meantime you can check the following approach and try it in your scenario - http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/49268/261625.aspx#261625
Let me know if you need further information regarding this question.