I want to have my own custom sorting algorithm in JS on a ultraWebGrid column, and also allow users directly modifing cell values.
I followed the Url below to do the Client side sorting of a particular column in the UltraWebGrid.
I cannot get it to work until I do the following:
UltraWebGrid1_InitializeLayout() {
e.Layout.LoadOnDemand = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.LoadOnDemand.NotSet; // or other non-Xml options...
because in the sorting Javascript (below), if the LoadOnDemand is Xml or 3, it performs sortXml(),
not my custom sorting function.
function igtbl_clctnSort(sortedCols){ if( !this.Band.IsGrouped && this.Grid.LoadOnDemand==3) return this.sortXml(); ...
However, once I set the LoadOnDemand property to anything other than Xml, custom sorting works,
but if I edit a data cell (with column DataType= System.String),
then I move the mouse focus to another cell, the cell value will change from the new value I entered,
back to the old value! I think it may cause a post back somehow. I can only fix this problem by setting the LoadOnDemand back to Xml.
But then I cannot do custom sorting!
Any ideas? I am using NetAdvantage_ASPNET_20092 for CLR3.5
OK. Just tried that.
If the Resetxxx() is moved to beccome the first statement(s) in InitializeLayout() to run, same Null Reference exception happened on
FromKey(_uniqueIDColumnName).Hidden assignment statement, same
as before.
If I moved the Resetxxx() to UltraWebGrid_Init(), it has no visual effect.
I don't know if I explained the data sync problem clearly. Basically, if LoadOnDemand is not Xml,
for a string data column trying to hold "decimal" value, it is like:
. In a cell, I changed it from "1" to "1.00", and hit tab. The cell displayed "1" (should be "1")
. Same cell, I changed it to "1.01", and hit tab. The cell displayed "1.00" (should be "1.01")
. Same cell, I changed it to "1.02" and hit tab. The cell displayed "1.01" (should be "1.02")
Hence it is like the cell displays the cell value just 1 step out of sync!
move these statement before initialize layout and check.
During the InitializeLayout(),
I tried to replace LoadOnDemand.Xml with the 3 statements you suggested. It came back with
a Null Reference Exception when it ran the next statement:
dgGrid.Columns.FromKey(aColumnName).Hidden = True
If I moved the ResetColumns() and ResetRows() after the above statement, the grid displayed "No data to display".
try this..
dgGrid.DisplayLayout.LoadOnDemand =