I drop a webhierarchicaldatagrid on a form and enable column resizing but when a column is resized, I get a Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'get_behaviors().get_columnResizing() is null or not an object' error. This does occur w/an identically configured webdatagrid, only the hierarchicaldatagrid.
Will do. Thanks, Dave.
Hi cantrellr,
I was able to reproduce this with build 1006, but not with the latest internal code. This was reported internally as a bug and resolved in the first Service Release. Please upgrade to make this go away.
Attached is a sample web form that produces the error.
While putting this together, I realized that the jscript error when column is resized only occurs whent the Sorting behavior is enabled. If not sorting, then no js errors when resizing a column in WHDG.
Yes, column resizing is now supported for the WHDG. This sounds very strange. Could you please attach a website or some simple sample code for me to reproduce this? Thanks.
Hey guys. Thanks for the help. I'm on 11.1. So column resizing IS supported in WHDG in 11.1?
For my test app, I followed these steps:
The same steps above w/a WDG is fine. I'm not doing any code on the client-side code myself, so this error is coming from iG javascript..