Hi ,
I have a webdatepicker control where i just need the up and down arrow buttons and i dont
need the calendar dropdown to be clicked.I use the following parameters but still the calendar dropdown is seen.
How do i disable the calendar dropdown for time control?
ig:WebDatePicker ID="FromTime" EditMode="KeyboardAndCalendar" EnableYearDropDown="False"EnableMonthDropDown="false" runat="server" TabIndex="55" DisplayModeFormat="t"EditModeFormat="t">
Hi ssvan,
If I undestood you correctly you want to disable drop-down calendar. If that is correct, then I suggest you to use WebDateTimeEditor which is exactly same control but without drop-down calendar. If you prefer to use WebDatePicker, then you may hide button, though calendar may appear on triggers like Ctrl+DownArrow. You also may disable all triggers as well. Below are examples for both WebDatePicker and WebDateTimeEditor:
<ig:WebDatePicker ID="WebDatePicker1" runat="server"> <buttons custombuttondisplay="None" custombuttonhotkeys="" spinbuttonsdisplay="OnRight"> </buttons></ig:WebDatePicker><ig:WebDateTimeEditor ID="WebDateTimeEditor1" runat="server"> <buttons spinbuttonsdisplay="OnRight"></buttons></ig:WebDateTimeEditor>
Hello ssvan,
It sounds like the WebDateTimeEditor would be a better control for this scenario. It is like a WebDatePicker except that there is no option to use the dropdown calendar.
This help topic explains how to enable the spin buttons for the WebDateTimeEditor.
To directly answer your question, I don't think it's possible to disable the calendar dropdown for the WebDatePicker. The "EnableYearDropDown" and "EnableMonthDropDown" properties refer to what happens when you click on the month or the year at the top of the calendar.
Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer