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Get Selected rows on client side

Hi, I looked around in the help manual and found the RowSelectionChangedEventArgs ( with the getSelectedRows() method.

What I basically wants to do is get the values of 2 columns of the selected row. But I can't find a proper way to get the value of the selected row out of it. I am using IE 8 beta 2 which has developer tools so I am able to see what is passed over to the evntArgs.

Here you have the javascript so far. 

    function WebDataGrid1_RowSelectionChanged(webDataGrid, evntArgs)
       var row = evntArgs.getSelectedRows();
       alert('row = ' + row);

I tried to do row[0], row[0].key, but without any luck. I don't understand why it have to be so difficult. ;-)

So basically I would like to use the index of the selected row in the enumeration of the webdatagrid and pull out the values of column 2 and 3. Is that possible? Is there an example available?
