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Databinding to a LLBLGenProDataSource not working?


I'm trying to see if I can migrate some of our existing UltraWebGrids to the new WebDataGrid, but I'm having one big issue: the databinding to a LLBLGenProDataSource doesn't seem to work. I created a test page with one LLBLGenProDataSourc and three grids: a WebDataGrid, a UltraWebGrid and a standard GridView. I assigned the one datasource to all of the grids (using the smarttags) and all the designtime features are available for all grids (like the columns etc). However, when I run the application, only the UltraWebGrid and the GridView contain data, and the WebDataGrid stay completely empty (the correct columns are shown however).

Do I have to do something special for this to get working with the WebDataGrid, or is it just a bug?