I am trying to set the scrollbars to the chart. In design view i set the property EnableScrollBar="True", and run the chart application, but i did not get scrollbars in my chart. I think when i set the EnableScrollBar property to "true", it has to automatically set the ScrollBarImage property. But it it not automatically setting the ScrollBarImage property.
could you let me know what should i do for getting the scrollbars to the cart.
Thanks in Advance
I am using net advantage 8.2 Web CLR 35 and OS is WinXP SP2. I set EnableScrollbar to true in runtime, and not seeing any placeholders or functional scrollbar in the layout of the chart. I am attaching the code for the char and the layout of chart in "chartImage.zip" file. Could you please look into it.
Here my requirement is, I will get some hundereds of columns in my chart. If i enable the horizontal scrolling, the chart has to scroll for every 3 seconds and has to show some chunk of columns. It has to repete the scroll till the end of the columns (hundereds of columns).
Thanks and Regards
The ScrollScale property is not supported by the web chart. It only works for the windows forms chart. The web chart only has one property to set the scrollbar and that property is EnableScrollbar which is set to true. Once you set it to true at design time, your ChartImages folder should hold all the scroll images. The effects of setting this property can only be seen at run time. You will either have a functional scrollbar or you will have clearly visible placeholders for scrollbar images. Can you let me know if you're seeing these placeholders? Since this does work on my machine, it's difficult to tell why this isn't working for you. Perhaps you can also describe your environment and the net advantage version you're using.
i tried to set the scrollbar and scrollscale in desing time, but i did not get the scroll bars. could you please help me how to set the scroll scale property in the code behind file.
It's quite simple. You do not need to set ScrollBarImage property. This property is needed only if you're setting your own skin to the scrollbar. Try doing what I have mentioned in the previous post and let me know if thath works.
I did not understand your reply regarding scrollBarImage property. could you please explain in details.