Is there any way to be able to re-scale the X-axis as you zoom in?
For instance, the initial X-axis scale is by day and as you zoom in to a certain day X-axis scale becomes by hour.
Hello Elton,
I know you posted this in the Android section but I just want to make sure. This is a native Android application correct? And you are referring to the data chart control for Android?
Hi Rob,
Correct. I am referring to the Android chart controls.
I have been looking into the SamplesBrowser project but there is no example of re-scaling the X-axis. As mentioned in my first post, my scenario is to scale X-axis with dates (i.e. Jul 5, Jul 6, Jul 7...) and after zooming in on a certain date I want to see the hours (i.e. 10:00, 11:00, 12:00...) on my X-axis to have a more accurate information about my data item.