I am using the Webdropdown and WebHirarchical grid . After selecting the value from webdropdown the two WebHierarchicalDataGrid is going to bind .If user select the data in webdropdowm for more than two times it show the multple contols error will come . I am using LINQtoSQL(DBML) for database operation and have the object datasource for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid which contains data in Bands .
Please give me a solution for this issue
Thanks & Regards
Hi Shantesh,
Could you please share your code for binding the grid?
I am attaching the sample I created with DataSet as a datasource.
Hello Shantesh,
Please let me know if you need any further assistance with the matter.
I am still unable to reproduce this issue. In order to be able to investigate it further, I would need a sample, demonstrating the behavior you are experiencing. Thank you.
Here is a code sample which I am using in my code . After selecting the Item in the Webdropdown the UltraWebGrid will bind based on the webdrodown data . I am using one more UltraWebGrid to bind after this . I am getting the Multiple controls with the same ID '904_0' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.\n .. Plese give me the solution for this issue .
<ig:WebDropDown ID="ddl" runat="server" CurrentValue="nmee" AutoPostBack="true" onchange="hourglass()" AutoSelectOnMatch="true" EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="true" DisplayMode="DropDown" CssClass="listarea" EnableMultipleSelection="false" Width="181px" DropDownContainerHeight="100px" StyleSetName="Default" ToolTip="Select" OnValueChanged="ddl_OnValueChanged" EnableRenderingAnchors="false"> <DropDownItemBinding ValueField="Id" TextField="Name" />
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="uwg1" runat="server" Width="100%" DataSourceID="whdg1" OnDataBound="uwgAward_DataBound" DisplayLayout-Images-CollapseImage-Url="~/ig_res/Default/images/ighg_Collapse.gif" DisplayLayout-Images-ExpandImage-Url="~/ig_res/Default/images/ighg_Expand.gif" HeaderClickActionDefault="SortMulti" Name="UltraWebGrid1" RowHeightDefault="50px" AllowAddNewDefault="Yes" AllowSortingDefault="OnClient" SelectTypeRowDefault="Extended" AllowColumnMovingDefault="OnServer" Browser="UpLevel" EnableInternalRowsManagement="True" RowSelectorsDefault="No" SelectTypeCellDefault="Single" EnableClientSideRenumbering="True"> <Bands> <igtbl:UltraGridBand AddButtonCaption="obj1Type_DataView" ColHeadersVisible="No" BaseTableName="objType1_DataView" Key="objType1_DataView"> <Columns> <igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="Type1" IsBound="True" Key="Type1" Width="99%"> <Header Caption="tyuuu"> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="1" /> </Header> </igtbl:UltraGridColumn> </Columns> <AddNewRow View="NotSet" Visible="NotSet"> </AddNewRow> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> <igtbl:UltraGridBand Key="obj1_DataView" ColHeadersVisible="No"> <Columns> <igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="Name" Width="99%" Key="Name"> <Header Title="namam"> </Header> </igtbl:UltraGridColumn> <igtbl:UltraGridColumn Hidden="true" BaseColumnName="ID" Key="ID"> <Header Title="ID"> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="1"></RowLayoutColumnInfo> </Header> <Footer> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="1"></RowLayoutColumnInfo> </Footer> </igtbl:UltraGridColumn> </Columns> <AddNewRow View="NotSet" Visible="NotSet"> </AddNewRow> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> </Bands> <DisplayLayout AllowColSizingDefault="Free" AllowColumnMovingDefault="None" AllowDeleteDefault="No" AllowSortingDefault="No" AllowUpdateDefault="No" BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" HeaderClickActionDefault="NotSet" Name="UltraWebGrid1" RowHeightDefault="20px" RowSelectorsDefault="No" SelectTypeRowDefault="Extended" StationaryMargins="Header" StationaryMarginsOutlookGroupBy="True" TableLayout="Fixed" Version="4.00" ViewType="OutlookGroupBy"> <ClientSideEvents CellClickHandler="SelectRow" DblClickHandler="HandleDoubleClick" />
Hi Sujay,
I am unable to tell what is causing this issue from the provided markup. I would need to see your OnValueChanged event handler.
Hello Sujay,
I'm just following up to see if you still need assistance with the matter.
Hi Nikolay
The onValue_Changed coed as given below
Protected Sub ddl_OnValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownValueChangedEventArgs)
'btnA.Visible = True 'btnACancel.Visible = True 'btnASave.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block") 'btnCancel.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block")
The Actual problem is If I select data in dropdown ddl the two WebHirarchicalDatagrid will bind and they show the data in different bands . That part is ok , If user select another data in webdropdown the webhirarchical datagrid will bind based on the data in webdropdown . And in case if user select and first data in webdropdown which was selected earlier then the multiple control issue will come . I think the webhirarchical data grid will not bind for the data which was present earlier . The page load event will not fire when multiple control issue come . Only the webhirarchical datagrid selecting methods in code code behind will fire and issue comes .
Plese give me a solution for this issue .
I'm just checking if you have resolved your issue.
I need to see the code which you use to rebind the grid. Is it possible for you to attach a running sample?
Thank you.