I would like to know if the user is navigating around in my grid either by tab or enter or clicking. I am a little frustrated that it seems like the tab or enter key isn't firing keydown event. Am I missing something, or is this as designed. I don't plan on trying to 'handle' those key strokes, just set a boolean.
Hello Alan,
I have been looking into your post and it seems that this event is handled internally in the code of the control in order to execute the functionality that it presents. This is the reason why when you enter ‘Tab’ button nothing happens. When I tested it for ‘Enter’ everything goes right.
If you have any other questions on this matter, feel free to ask.
Hey Yanko,
I figured out a work-around to my issue in the meantime. In the event of the enter key testing that you did, which event fires first, exitedEditMode, or Keydown?