We are using Candlestick with FinancialPriceSeries and display data for many years, with such large amount of data we feel chart sticks are very large and by reducing there size we need to over come sticks overlay issue. further more we want to little change the shap and style of candles.
Is there a way to customize the Candle stick size and shape for a financial price chart?
Hi, the display of the candlesticks is not currently modifyable other than color and transparency. How would you want to make them look?
If you increase the Resolution Property on the financial price series it should increase the coalescing of values into candlesticks and reduce the overlap. This did not work appropriately in some versions of the chart though, so if you have issues, please let me know.
Hi Graham,
It is working nice, with smaller value of Resolution candle sticks get thinner and larger the resolution value results in wider sticks and we were looking for same thing. I have noticed that Resolution default value is 2.0 and for us some value between .75 to 1.0 seems suitable. I tried the documentation but found following links which do not explain resolution in detail:
Can you provide me some documentation link or details about Series Resolution?
because this is a breaking visual change, I believe it is only being introduced in 12.1.
I have a little confusion about availability of candle size issue fixation. If it will be avialable in next service release of 2011.2 or in first volume release of 2012.1?
This behavior is being adjusted in the next version of the product. The candles will grow to fill the available space if they are sparsely arrayed.
We have noticed that any value greator than 3 does not effect the size of candle, so that we can notice difference in candle size when we change value from 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 but there is no difference in size after Resolution higher than 3. We are using 11.2.20112.2045.