XamGrid is bound to PagedCollectionView like:
ItemsSource="{Binding DataList,Mode=TwoWay}"
Then In code I remove the one row from DataList like:
but the UI still has no change. The removed line still there. I need to reload the whole SL app, then the removed line is gone.
How to make UI sync with its ItemSource?
I have been looking into the behavior that you are describing and I could not manage to reproduce it. I have created sample application which uses the approach that you have mentioned when I remove an element from the PagedCollectionView, the change is applied to the XamGrid. I have added two buttons that remove using the Remove and RemoveAt methods of the PagedCollectionView in order to remove an item.
Please let me know if you can reproduce the behavior that you have described with my sample application or I have misunderstood you in any way.
Developer Support Engineer
Thank you very much.
We are having the same problem. If the ItemsSource is bound to a List<> or an ILIst<> type collection, refreshing the items source on delete or insert has stopped working since our upgrade to version 10.3. I had to change those ItemsSource types to ObservableCollection<> to get it to work again.