What needs to be in a collection to bind to the AppointmentItemsSource of the XamMonthView. I seem to be missing something basic. Do you tell the XamMothView what properties to bind to, or do you need to implement a certain interface? Will an observablale collection work?
Sorry, one more question?
I want to get date from xamMonthView on left and right mouce clik .
I use xamMonthView1_MouseRightButtonDown and show ContextMenu
I can use xamMonthView1_SelectedActivitiesChanged when I have appointment on that day but I also need get date from day without appointment. This is example what I use in Windows application(VB.Net) to get date and show context menu.
Private Sub UltraMonthViewSingle1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles UltraMonthViewSingle1.MouseDown
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
Dim DY As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Day
'If the user Right-clicked on a day, then make it the ActiveDay
DY = UltraMonthViewSingle1.GetDayFromPoint(e.X, e.Y)
If Not DY Is Nothing Then
UltraCalendarInfo1.ActiveDay = DY
If Not DY.Selected Then
DY.Selected =
End If
odabranDay = DY.Date
Me, e.X, e.Y)
Thanks Diyan
The reason for this behavior was that the collection properties with resources, calendars and appointments were initialized after setting the DataContext and because these properties doesn’t raise NotifyPropertyChanged the UI was not updated. I moved the initialization of these collections in the constructor of the page instead of the Loaded event and everything works correctly. I am attaching the sample application. Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Diyan Dimitrov
Hi Diyan Dimitrov,
I try XamScheduleDemo and it works.
When i use code in sample navigation application on navigation page About doesn't work.
I try same code in new aplication without navigation and it work on main page.
I can't found what I do wrong.
I just get a blank white screen. When I scroll, it shows the date.
Can you attached navigation application sample.
Hi Roger,
I am attaching a sample application demonstrating simple XamMonthView binding. Let me know if you need any further assistance.