I need to have a checkbox column respect Y\N instead of true\false. Any help on this would be appreciated.
The page I am working with is connecting to a "legacy" system that uses Y\N instead of boolean or bit characters. So the change will have to either go at the object level or the page. For the current time I have created some drop down boxes with Yes\No for Y\N that the customer is currently willing to accept but at a later date would like them to change over to check boxes. Hopefully over the next few weeks I will be able to spend some time and find an alternate solution.
Thanks for the suggestions so far.
At the risk of stating the annoyingly obvious, I'd suggest restructuring your data source so that it uses boolean data types to represent boolean data. ;-)
But I'd really like to hear what you end up doing, so please keep us "posted".
I originally looked at doing that, but realized that in a number of places this was going to be an issue and wanted to create a single control that I could just drop down to handle it.
I'd make the change in the underlying datasource. Add a column which is set to "true" when your Y/N column is "Y", etc.