We upgraded from Infragistics 7.1 to 9.1.20091.2040 we are now seeing an issue where the style on HeaderStyleDefault is being applied to all the rows. We are inheriting off of UltraWebGrid and override OnInitializeLayout where we are setting: base.DisplayLayout.HeaderStyleDefault.CssClass = "DataGridHeaderStyleDefault"; When the grid is rendered on the form the html is rendered with <thead class=DataGridHeaderStyle> <tr> ...</tr><thead><tbody class=DataGridHeaderStyle> <tr> ...</tr><tbody>causing the rows to have the same style as the header.
Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.
Hi. I've run into the same problem when evaluating 9.1 and found out that a bogus CSS name "optimization" is the cause.
To fix, set:grid.DisplayLayout.OptimizeCSSClassNamesOutput = DefaultableBoolean.False
If it is set to "NotSet" or "True", the wrong behaviour will occur.