Hi, i need help please!
I can change the style of a textbox, but now I must have 4 textboxes that creates one textbox value.
So i want onchange of textbox: append and the value to text box:
eg: Value Text box: aa bb cc
Textbox1: aa ; Texbox2: bb, Textbox: cc
Onchange of each of the 3 textboxes create Value Textbox value:
var edit = igedit_getById("FG1010NItemD"); edit.Element.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
To kind - thank you for sharing your knowledge.
you are good..
Thank You for taking time and assisting me.
Hay, I got a problem.
I need to have a maxlength on the Valuebox
So that it only takes the first 30 chars, does not need to dissalow but on type trim to only 30 chars.
Please Assist!
Great Stuff and thank You very much
var edit = igedit_getById("FG1010NItemD"); var TextBox1 = igedit_getById("FG1010NItemDBrand");
var TextBox2 = igedit_getById("FG1010NItemDType"); var TextBox3 = igedit_getById("FG1010NItemDVar");
var TextBox4 = igedit_getById("FG1010NItemDConfig"); var Text1 = TextBox1.getText();var Text2 = TextBox2.getText();
var Text3 = TextBox3.getText(); var Text4 = TextBox4.getText(); edit.setText(Text1 + " " + Text2 + " " + Text3 + " " + Text4);
Only problem i have is that this does not work when Valuebox (edit) is a readonly field.
When i set this field to false then it works!
Is there a way around this, and once again thank you!