Hi allWe are having issues being able to view the map when loading the map tool. It shows the location of the pins but in the middle of the sea no actual map. This used to work successfully until recently.The version we are using which used to work successfully is InfragisticsSL5.Controls.Maps.XamMap.v12.1 control
Has anyone else experienced this?
Kind regards
Matthew Walker
Hello Russell,
I think Silverlight 5 or VS may have changed the way the browser handles permissions.https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/silverlight/dotnet-windows-silverlight/gg192793(v=vs.95)https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8570470/in-browser-trusted-application-silverlight-5 In addition, the option I mentioned in VS shouldn't affect the client, so perhaps, have the end user clear the browser's cache.
This works fine for me locally, but it looks like it's a local setting. It doesn't do anything for clients using the application over the Internet.
I have a clientaccesspolicy on my wwwroot so I don't get any errors related to that.
Thanks for this Michael, but it has not worked for me unfortunately.
The only error I can see if the missing clientaccesspolicy.xml in the Network trace in the browser, could this be the cause of my issue?
Any further help you could give me would be really appreciated!
It appears to be a security issue with Silverlight which explains why my colleagues weren't able to reproduce this. I was able to work around this by making sure the Web project is set as the startup project and in the non web project I enabled "Require elevated trust when running in-browser". See if this helps.