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missing properties in 15.1 version

I have noticed that the HeaderTemplate propery is missing from the new 15.1 igCombo.
Is there any replacement or way to set a header for the dropdown items?

And is there some information about what else was changed with this control or the others control?

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  • 2671
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Amos,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    The header template functionality did not make it for the first version of the new igCombo control and it is planned for the next release.

    As mentioned a full list of changes can be found in the Migrating to the new combo topic.

    In the meantime if you want to use the new control and still provide a header there might be a way to add/position an element to the combo dropDown that I can help with. Of course, my recommendation would always be to wait for the official feature if possible.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

    Damyan Petev
    Associate Software Developer
    Infragistics, Inc.
