Good day all!!! I have the code below:
<%: Html.Infragistics().Dialog() .ContentID("logintable") .HeaderText("Login") .Width("300px") //.Height("250px") .FooterText("Ready...") .ShowCloseButton(false) .ShowMaximizeButton(false) .ShowMinimizeButton(false) .ShowPinButton(false) .Modal(true) .Resizable(false) .Draggable(false) .State(DialogState.Opened) .Render() %>
control 'logintable' contains the following an single column table:
Username label
Username text editor
Password label
Password text editor
Submit button
My problems is as follows:
How do I get the dialog to auto size the hieght of the dialog according to the items.
Hello Allen,
I am just following up and see if you have any questions.
Hello Alen,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
You may refer to the following forum thread: