Background, need to move to IE11, my app use Ignite 2013. I get an error in IE11 with jquery.
So I tried the fiddle example to see how to do it right. It does not work in IE11 either.
I have no compatibility settings. Should I? Fresh upgrade from MS.
My web app works ok as is in IE10,FF,Chrome. But I get an error from jquery with IE11. So suppose I need to find the correct match of components. If the JSFiddle example had worked I would have just downloaded the jquery and knockout js files it uses.
Not such good luck for me. We have to use Windows 7 professional SP1, 64 bit.
Hello jspooner,
For some reason this exact jsFiddle is working on my IE 11 running on Windows 8.1 machine (I also ran the sample on IE 11 Version 11.0.9600.16518 on Windows 7 and it also works). I'm attaching a screenshot for your reference. Is it the build version of IE 11 that is not the same on mine and your machines?
jspooner_mso said:I was able to get something going on my local computer with v1, but the performance was so terrible (18 secs to render my admittedly bloated grid data compared to 2-3 secs for Firefox and Chrome). So I thought I should begin by reproducing your example.
We did performance optimizations in the Ignite UI Knockout bindings for our latest SR (13.1.20131.2407, 13.2.20132.2157), so if you update to it you should see a twice as fast load time for the grid.
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
I didn't paste the full link to the jsfiddle example that is not working for me.
Hi Martin.
I am not able to get the JSFiddle example at, to work for me in IE11. I think this is my first baby step iif you can tell me what is going on. When I navigate to this link with Chrome or Firefox I can see the grid and how it all works. But for me, in IE11 I do not get a grid. It seems like the apply bings part is retuning instantly and not really doing anything. I don't get an error but I am not sure about the IE tools lately I have been working with firefox.
I was able to get something going on my local computer with v1, but the performance was so terrible (18 secs to render my admittedly bloated grid data compared to 2-3 secs for Firefox and Chrome). So I thought I should begin by reproducing your example.
We don't have ig2013 product. We have IgniteUI 2013.1 and IgniteUI 2013.2. The IE 11 support is from IgniteUI 2013.2 Volume Release, but we have couple of IE 11 related bug fixes in the first and the second Service Releases of IgniteUI 2013.2, so to be safe you should update to the latest SR (build 13.2.20132.2157).
In order to check which version you have you can execute the following command in the browser's JavaScript console:
Hope this helps,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.