I cant get the igCombo to show the dropdown button
it is there but grey
@{IEnumerable<Intranet.mvc.Models.Status> List = ViewBag.Status;}@(Html.Infragistics().ComboFor(m => m.Status).TextKey("Status1").TextKeyType(ComboDataType.String).ValueKey("ID").ValueKeyType(ComboDataType.Number).DropDownOnFocus(true).Mode(ComboMode.DropDown).ShowDropDownButton(true).ValidatorOptions(option => option.Required(true)).DataSource(List).DataBind().Render())
Yes I am unable to open the drop Down list
Hi Christian Sandoy,
Can you clarify what the problem with the grey button is? Because the default theme shows grey button, when hovered it becomes blue etc. Are you able to open the Drop Down list?