Hi all,
i have downloaded and succesfully installed ignite jquery trial version.
Your examples work well.
I encounter the following problem modifying your html code inside the page 'samples\igniteui.samplesbrowser\htmlsamples\pivot-grid\binding-to-xmla-data-source.html'
I am trying to connect to my Catalog/Cube resident on my MS Analytical Services installed on the same machine with msmdpump.dll already configured.
This is the modified code:
<script>$.support.cors = true;
$(function () {var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapXmlaDataSource({serverUrl: 'http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll',catalog: 'FBIRoambi' });
$('#dataSelector').igPivotDataSelector({dataSource: dataSource,height: "650px",width: "240px"});$("#pivotGrid").igPivotGrid({dataSource: dataSource,height: "650px",width: "670px"});});</script>
Viewing the modified page on the browser all the combo box are empty.
I think there is a problem connecting to MSAS/msmdpump.dll; do you know a way to trace or log datasource connection errors ?
For your information i have no problem connecting to the same Catalog/Cube using MS Excel installed on the same machine.
Hi Philip,
i have found the following document and used it to solve 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error.
But now i get another error on console log (see the attached snapshot)
Hi Marco!
I suggest you replace the promise.fail() code from the above as follows:
promise.fail(function (error) { console.log(error);});
If an error occurs, this will print its details in your browser's console. You can also add a breakpoint in this place in order to expect the "error" argument at runtime.
If an error occurs, it may have a few nested exceptions, that you can expect via the error's '__innerException' property.
Let me know if this helps.
i have modified the code as following:
<script> $.support.cors = true;
$(function () { var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapXmlaDataSource({ serverUrl: 'http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll' }); var promise = dataSource.initialize(); promise.fail(function (error) { // break here to inspect the error }); promise.done(function(rootMetadataItem) { // everything is OK. inspect the rootMetadataItem }); $('#dataSelector').igPivotDataSelector({ dataSource: dataSource, height: "650px", width: "240px" }); $("#pivotGrid").igPivotGrid({ dataSource: dataSource, height: "650px", width: "670px" }); }); </script>
Combo box continue to be empty.
Promise object has some attributes to check errors?
You can try the following:
var dataSource = new $.ig.OlapXmlaDataSource({ serverUrl: 'http://localhost/olap/msmdpump.dll', //catalog: 'FBIRoambi' });
var promise = dataSource.initialize(); promise.fail(function (error) { // break here to inspect the error }); promise.done(function(rootMetadataItem) { // everything is OK. inspect the rootMetadataItem });
Let me know if you need any further assistance.