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IgHierarchicalGrid and CRUD operations on children


I've implemented an igGrid with relative igHierarchicalGrid. I set updating feature on the first grid and the same on the second one (child grid).
It works correctly for both grids, but the problem is the following one: if I have a row without children I am not able to create new ones, because I can't see '+' expand character and I am not able to open the child grid...
How can I have a child grid also for those rows that do not have children?



Parents Reply Children
  • 2048
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Tsvetelina Georgieva

    That's ok.
    I started working on igHierarchicalGrid with Load on Demand.
    I followed up this sample:

    and this little manual:

    I am in the case of MVC controller side hierarchical grid (C# syntax).
    I think I completely did all the things I found in the sample and in the manual, my code is the following one:

            public ActionResult Index()
                GridModel gm = new GridModel();

                return View(gm);
            public JsonResult BindParent()
                GridModel gm = new GridModel();

                ...loading parentObjectList as List<ParentObject>()

                gm.DataSource = parentObjectList .AsQueryable();
                    return gm.GetData();

            public JsonResult BindChild(string path, string layout)
                GridModel gm = new GridModel();

                ...loading childrenObjectList as List<ChildrenObject>()

                gm.DataSource = childrenObjectList .AsQueryable();
                    return gm.GetData(path, layout);

            private GridModel _createGridModel(GridModel gm)
                ...loading parentObjectList as List<ParentObject>()

                gm.ID = "parent_grid";
                gm.DataSource = parentObjectList .AsQueryable();
                gm.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                gm.AutoGenerateLayouts = false;
                gm.PrimaryKey = "Id";
                gm.Width = "100%";

                #region Grid Columns
                gm.Columns.Add(new GridColumn("Id", "Id", "number", "0"));
                gm.Columns.Add(new GridColumn("Description", "Description", "string", "35%"));
                gm.RenderCheckboxes = true;

                #region Grid Hiding
                GridHiding hiding = new GridHiding();

                ColumnHidingSetting hSetId = new ColumnHidingSetting();
                hSetId.ColumnKey = "Id";
                hSetId.AllowHiding = false;
                hSetId.Hidden = true;
                ColumnHidingSetting hSetDescription = new ColumnHidingSetting();
                hSetDescription .ColumnKey = "Description";
                hSetDescription .AllowHiding = false;
                hSetDescription .Hidden = false;
                hiding.ColumnSettings.Add(hSetDescription );


                #region HierarchicalGrid
                GridColumnLayoutModel hgml = _getHierarchicalGridColumnLayout();

                    gm.LoadOnDemand = true;
                    gm.DataSourceUrl = Url.Action("BindParent");
                    gm.ColumnLayouts[0].DataSourceUrl = Url.Action("BindChild");

                return gm;

            private GridColumnLayoutModel _getHierarchicalGridColumnLayout()
                GridColumnLayoutModel hierarchicalGm = new GridColumnLayoutModel();
                hierarchicalGm.ID = "hgrid";
                hierarchicalGm.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
                hierarchicalGm.AutoGenerateLayouts = false;
                hierarchicalGm.Key = "Allegati";
                hierarchicalGm.PrimaryKey = "Id";
                hierarchicalGm.ForeignKey = "DispositivoId";
                hierarchicalGm.Caption = "Allegati";
                hierarchicalGm.Width = "100%";

                return hierarchicalGm;

    But I still get this error:

    Error: The remote request to fetch data has failed:  (error) undefined @ ...Scripts/IG/modules/infragistics.ui.grid.framework.js:25

    I also tried to set data binding on js code:

         $(function () {
             $("#grid_anagrafica_tipologie_dispositivo").live("iggriddatabinding", function (evt, ui) {
                 $("#grid_anagrafica_tipologie_dispositivo").igGrid("option", "dataSourceType", "json");

    But the result is the same...
    Note that parent grid has been creating right: I can see all the objects with a '+' on the left. The problem is when I try to expand a parent record into its children: I can see the subgrid rendering with all the columns, but the application stops with the loading picture thread, and I can see on the debugging console the error mentioned above...
    Through the debug I can see that BindChild method is correctly reached, and the error is given here, at the end of the code:
           gm.GetData(path, layout);
    returns a null object exception...

    I don't know if I forgot some properties to be set, or if I did something wrong in the datasource/databinding management...

    Thanks in advance!!!!
