I've just installed new 2012.2 version, but I still have the same problem I had with last version.
I am using different grid objects and, only with this one, I have this strange behavior:
Do you know which can be the problem? In other grids I left out column width during their definition and it works correctly.
I partially solved in this way, but please correct me if I am wrong.Let's start from the above bad visualization. If I select a hiddable column and I hide it, all the grid layout is re-rendered to a perfect visualization.This is great...so what I tried to do? I just put this kind of code in the javascript section:
$(".tab").tabs({ select: function (event, ui) { if ((ui.index == 1)) { $("#grid_id").igGridHiding("hideColumn", "XXXColumn"); } } });
What I do is the following: when I click on a tab, I force the grid to hide a column that I wanted to hide, but I set on show by default. The result is that when the script code hide theXXXColumn, grid layout is rendered again, occuping the 100% width. And in this way it is done automatically...
Hello Flavio,
Thank you for the detailed explanations and I appologize for the late answer.
I was able to reproduce the issue when the igGrid is in the second tab and its width is 100%.
It seems that the width is taken in pixels then and that causes the issue.
You may fix this by NOT setting the width property. The default styling of .ui-iggrid-table (from infragistics.ui.grid.css) automatically sets width:100%
Your solution is OK too. I tried it and it seems to solve the issue.
Try by removing the width property and let me know the results.