Hello. I´m using infragistics.web.mvc version
I can´t do igupload to work on jquery dialog.
I have a partialview that is displayed on a jquery dialog. When I tried to upload a file, I see on fiddler this lines:
404 HTTP mainserverv /ig_fua34sf345sdf13sdf3454erdsf2345asd3425df5235d54df345.aspx?key=uRiq1OekDRoHIfFPX5zQBHl59uNZF8&cid=404 HTTP mainserverv /IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx?key=uRiq1OekDRoHIfFPX5zQBHl59uNZF8&command=status&_=1345839304371
but when I use igUpload on a normal page,works correctly and I see this lines on fiddler:
200 HTTP mainserverv /Boletas/Empresa/ig_fua34sf345sdf13sdf3454erdsf2345asd3425df5235d54df345.aspx?key=T3UlKF6Q55z6ccpH85RnFAkpntaR0z&cid= 13 200 HTTP mainserverv /Boletas/IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx?key=T3UlKF6Q55z6ccpH85RnFAkpntaR0z&command=status&_=1345839485560
When I use igupload on jquery Dialog the URL is not correct.
I set IgUpload on this way:
@(Html.Infragistics().Upload() .ID("igUpload") .AllowedExtensions(new List<string> { "txt", "xls", "xlsx" }) .AutoStartUpload(true) .Mode(UploadMode.Single) .LabelUploadButton("Upload") .LabelAddButton("Add") .FileSizeMetric(UploadSizeMetric.Auto) .Width("350") .LabelSummaryTemplate("Status: {0} out of {1} uploaded. ")
.Render() )
In global.asax :
in Web.config:
<httpHandlers> <add verb="GET" type="Infragistics.Web.Mvc.UploadStatusHandler" path="IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx" /> </httpHandlers> <httpModules> <add name="IGUploadModule" type="Infragistics.Web.Mvc.UploadModule" /> </httpModules>
thanks in advance
Hello. The error was not related to the window jquery. It was the URL. If I use the component from a URL that is not terminated with '/' does not work.