Hi,In your documentation you say that pressing the enter key would select the item, however the selection is made by navigating the top and bottom arrows and not the enter key.https://www.igniteui.com/help/16.2/igcombo-keyboard-navigationIn the example below is an example of the case I just described. The selectChanged event is triggered when I navigate with the up and botton arrows and not when I press enter.http://jsfiddle.net/5aa8fr0y/16/
I noticed that when multiselection is enabled, it works the way I want it to.Can somebody help?Thanks.
Hi Paulo,
Thank you for noticing and letting us know for this mismatch between the help documentation and the actual behavior. I have opened an issue for this so that it gets fixed in next version of our help documentation.
Please let me know if keeping the multiSelection enabled works for you so that you use the desired behavior of the Enter key.