Silverlight 5 Installers Available for Download

Jason Beres [Infragistics] / Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Last week we posted updated installation packages which target the new Silverlight 5 SDK & runtime.  The following products have installers for Silverlight 5:

  • NetAdvantage for Silverlight Line of Business
  • NetAdvantage for Silverlight Data Visualization
  • NetAdvantage Reporting


NetAdvantage for LightSwitch does not have a Silverlight 5 option, and will not until Silverlight 5 is supported on that platform. 

To get the latest installers for Silverlight 5, you can log into MyIG and select the 2011.2 packages, or an easier route is to go here:

And select the Silverlight 5 specific installer you need:


Once installed, you can use the Version Utility (located in the Infragistics Start Menu folder) to upgrade your app in the following steps:

  • Select Upgrade Options on Analysis results screen
  • Select CLR 50 from CLR drop-down, and then SL volume
  • Select Save & Analyze Again
  • Select the Custom Upgrade button.


Note: If you are coming from 2010.2 or earlier you will need to upgrade to Silverlight 4 first to handle the renaming of assemblies/controls that occurred in 2010.3.

Note: the Platform Installer will continue to install the Silverlight 4 assemblies.  If you want to use Silverlight 5 assemblies, you need to explicitly download the Silverlight 5 package from the list.

Silverlight Support Matrix

To ensure that your 2011.1 and 2011.2 projects run correctly with the Silverlight 5 runtime, we did the following testing:

2011.1 Silverlight 5 Support

2011.1 controls are not built with the Silverlight 5 SDK, we will continue to ship these as Silverlight 4 only controls through their support lifecycle.  We have however regression tested all of the 2011.1 controls against the Silverlight 4 runtime and Silverlight 5 runtime.

2011.2 Silverlight 5 Support

With the exception of NetAdvantage Reporting, the 2011.2 controls will ship with both Silverlight 4 assemblies and Silverlight 5 assemblies.

  • Silverlight 4 assemblies are tested against the Silverlight 4 runtime and Silverlight 5 runtime.
  • Silverlight 5 assemblies are tested against the Silverlight 5 runtime.


2011.1 NetAdvantage Reporting Silverlight 5 Support

  • NetAdvantage Reporting will only support Silverlight 5 from this point onwards. 


Future Silverlight 4 Support

  • Beginning with the February 2012 Service Release, we will only patch ship Silverlight 5 compiled assemblies for 2011.2.  Silverlight 5 Service Releases will be available as separate downloads via MyIG on
  • When 2012.1 ships in early Q2 2012, we will only ship Silverlight 5 compiled assemblies, with the exception of LightSwitch, which will continue as Silverlight 4 until Microsoft updates the SDK and runtime.


Shoot me an email at if you have any questions about Silverlight support, or you can get direct support on the forums at or just use our support search tool at

