SharePlus: Enterprise Configuration Overview

Anand Raja / Tuesday, May 1, 2012


SharePlus Enterprise delivers rich configuration functionality using a simple approach.  Adjusting SharePlus settings such as turning features on or off is as easy as editing a text file.  This article provides an overview of the SharePlus configuration architecture.


Config Diagram

Configuration Architecture

SharePlus Enterprise can read settings from two sources:

  • Local Configuration File - Configuration file deployed into the device with the application.
  • Remote Configuration File – Deployed on a web server controlled by the Enterprise (on-premise or off-premise).


Configuration Options

Configuration settings may be made in the local or remote file.  When settings are maintained in the remote file, the application does not need to be re-deployed after a change.  This is the primary advantage of using the remote file to store configuration settings.  If a remote file is used, SharePlus will only use the local file to read the location (URL) of the remote file.  It will then obtain all configuration settings from the remote file.

If a remote file is not specified in the local file, SharePlus will read all configuration settings from the local file.


The Local Configuration File

The local configuration file is an XML file stored inside the application package.  It is configured before publishing the application and packed inside the application’s .IPA file with a .plist extension.
After editing the configuration file, the IPA file has to be re-signed, to ensure the IPA checksum will match it’s content.  A sample local configuration file is attached to this post.

The Remote Configuration File

The Remote Configuration File is a similar XML file, which is published in a centralized location. If the devices have a “Remote Configuration” section in its local configuration, they will try to read the remote file and load the settings contained in it.  A sample of this file may also be found attached to this post.

The use of a remote configuration file, facilitates governance, allowing IT Managers to modify the default settings of the device base centrally, without even having to push a new version of the product. 



Related Links

SharePlus Enterprise Home Page

Video: SharePlus Basic Functionality

SharePlus Enterprise Search

SharePlus Enterprise Security

Local and Remote Config